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|x1= {{code|lang=scilab|[] call cmf_gameplay_fnc_flashbangOverride}}
|x1= {{code|lang=scilab|[] call cmf_gameplay_fnc_flashbangOverride}}
|seealso= [[cmf_gameplay_fnc_repairRearmStation]] [[cmf_gameplay_fnc_restrictedVehicle]]
[[cmf_gameplay_fnc_safeStart]] [[cmf_gameplay_fnc_tracers]]

|var1= {{!}} GLOBAL {{!}}{{!}} Mission {{!}}{{!}} cmf_gameplay_flashbang_grenades {{!}}{{!}} An [https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Array Array] containing the flashbang configurations in format [grenadeClass, [fuzeDelay, bangs, bangDelay]].   
|var1= {{!}} GLOBAL {{!}}{{!}} Mission {{!}}{{!}} cmf_gameplay_flashbang_grenades {{!}}{{!}} An [https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Array Array] containing the flashbang configurations in format [grenadeClass, [fuzeDelay, bangs, bangDelay]].   
|var2= {{!}} GLOBAL {{!}}{{!}} Mission {{!}}{{!}} cmf_gameplay_flashbang_extraEffects {{!}}{{!}} Contains the function used to spawn the visual effects if grenade goes of inside a building. Takes these parameters: [Position: Position ASL, inBuilding: Boolean]
|var2= {{!}} LOCAL {{!}}{{!}} Mission {{!}}{{!}} cmf_gameplay_flashbang_extraEffects {{!}}{{!}} Contains the function used to spawn the visual effects if grenade goes of inside a building. Takes these parameters: [Position: Position ASL, inBuilding: Boolean]
|var3= {{!}} GLOBAL {{!}}{{!}} Mission {{!}}{{!}} cmf_gameplay_flashbang_explosion {{!}}{{!}} Contains the function used to spawn the visual effects and sound effects. Takes these parameters: [Position: Position ASL, inBuilding: Boolean]
|var3= {{!}} LOCAL {{!}}{{!}} Mission {{!}}{{!}} cmf_gameplay_flashbang_explosion {{!}}{{!}} Contains the function used to spawn the visual effects and sound effects. Takes these parameters: [Position: Position ASL, inBuilding: Boolean]
|event1= {{!}} LOCAL {{!}}{{!}} cmf_common_onUnitRoleChanged {{!}}{{!}} [Unit, Role, Team] {{!}}{{!}} Is fired locally for unit when the unit's role is changed.

Latest revision as of 21:44, 17 December 2022

Hover & click on the images for description
This function will override the flashbangs defined in cmf_gameplay_flashbang_grenades with more realistic effects and sounds. This will be automatically called if enabled in cmf_config.hpp.
CMF3: gameplay
[] call cmf_gameplay_fnc_flashbangOverride
Return Value:
Example 1:
[] call cmf_gameplay_fnc_flashbangOverride
Additional Information
See also:
cmf_gameplay_fnc_repairRearmStation cmf_gameplay_fnc_restrictedVehicle cmf_gameplay_fnc_safeStart cmf_gameplay_fnc_tracers
Internal Variables
Locality Namespace Name Description
GLOBAL Mission cmf_gameplay_flashbang_grenades An Array containing the flashbang configurations in format [grenadeClass, [fuzeDelay, bangs, bangDelay]].
LOCAL Mission cmf_gameplay_flashbang_extraEffects Contains the function used to spawn the visual effects if grenade goes of inside a building. Takes these parameters: [Position: Position ASL, inBuilding: Boolean]
LOCAL Mission cmf_gameplay_flashbang_explosion Contains the function used to spawn the visual effects and sound effects. Takes these parameters: [Position: Position ASL, inBuilding: Boolean]
No events