CMF3: Garage Template

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This will be expanded upon in the future. For now it will have a quick and dirty explanation:


    ["GROUND", [
        ["vehicleClass", 2, { true }, "", [], []]


  • The first layer is the Whitelist type and can be used to choose what preset to use for which vehicle spawner. In the example the type is set to "GROUND".
  • Inside the sub array are each of the vehicles, the array values are: [Vehicle class, amount available, show condition, default skin, component states, pylons].
  1. Vehicle class: Class of the vehicle
  2. Amount Available: The amount of this vehicle type to have available.
  3. Show condition: Condition for allowing the vehicle to be spawned The variables: _player, _playerRole, _groupType, _groupLevel are passed to condition. Optional, default: { true }.
  4. Default Skin: Default vehicle texture, leaving it empty will choose the default texture. Optional, default: "".
  5. Component States: An array of components and it's states. Example: [ ["hideBeacon", 1], ["hideDoor1", 0] ]. Optional, default: [].
  6. Pylons: An array of pylons and the weapon. Example: [ ["pylon1", "RHS_m134"] ]. Optional, default: []. (