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An Order of Battle (ORBAT) shows the hierarchical organization, Command Strcutre, Strength and Disposition of Personell of an armed force. Additionally our ORBAT contains the callsign naming convention for different teams. Below you can see the Cluster Community ORBAT on Batallion, Company, Platoon and Squad level. The teams displayed are not guaranteed to be in every mission but is rather more an outline of where a team would be in the command hierarchy when or if they exist. Non-Infantry based teams like Air and Armored teams can have custom callsigns but it is recommended to use the standard callsigns displayed in this ORBAT.

Battalion Level

The battalion Level in cluster community does not have a high level commander but is rather only here to show the distinction between ground units and aerial units. Both of these elements will be separately commanded but the aerial companies are usually commanded by a ground FAC (Forwair Air Controller) embedded with ground command. If there are multiple aerial support elements of the same type (e.g. Phantom 1, Phantom 2 etc.) then the first element will act as flight lead and coordinate all elements of the same type.

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Company Level

The Company level in cluster community is the highest ground element which can have a commander. The Company commander is in control of All armored Elements, if there is no company HQ 1st Platoon Lead is acting Company Command and all armored elements will be under 1st Platoon unless stated otherwise by the acting Company Commander. Just like the Battalion level air elements if there are multiple armor elements of the same type (e.g. Mike 1, Mike 2 etc.) then the first element will act as the Platoon Lead and coordinate all elements of the same type.

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Platoon Level

The Platoon level in Cluster Community has it's own HQ element. The Platoon Leader is in control of 3 infantry squads and multiple support elements (MAT, HAT, LOGI etc.), if there is no Platoon HQ Alpha Squad Lead will be acting Platoon Lead. Generally there is only one of each support team per squad unless stated otherwise by the acting Platoon Leader. In which case it will follow the same system as air and armored units; They will be named CALLSIGN 1, CALLSIGN 2 etc. and the first element will act as the Squad Lead and coordinate all elements of the same type.

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MMG (Machinegun, Medium)

MMG or Medium Machinegun is a weapons team of usually 3-4 members armed with Medium Machineguns (e.g. M240B).

HMG (Machinegun, Heavy)

HMG or Heavy Machinegun is a weapons team of usually 2-3 members armed with a Deployed Heavy Machinegun (e.g. M2-HB).

MAT (Anti-Tank, Medium)

MAT or Medium Anti-Tank is a weapons team of usually 3-4 members armed with Medium Anti-Tank weapons (e.g. Carl-Gustav M3)

HAT (Anti-Tank, Heavy)

HAT or Heavy Anti-Tank is a weapons team of usually 2-4 members armed with Heavy Anti-Tank weapons (e.g. FGM-148 JAVELIN)

DHAT (Deployed Anti-Tank, Heavy)

DHAT or Deployed Heavy Anti-Tank is a weapons team of usually 2-3 members with a deployed Heavy Anti-Tank weapon (e.g. BGM-71 TOW)

MORTARS (Mortars)

ROMEO (Recon / Sniper)

LOGI (Logistics)

ENGI (Engineers)

Squad Level

The Squad level in Cluster Community has at maximum 3 infantry teams: SL (Squad Lead Team), 1 (Fireteam 1) and 2 (Fireteam 2) (e.g. ASL, A1 and A2). ASL has the Squad Leader and usually a Squad Medic and each fireteam has 1 fireteam leader and various infantry roles.

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All ORBAT Graphics on this page was generated using orbatgenerator.com