Category:Basic Infantry

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Revision as of 22:43, 21 November 2022 by Eric (talk | contribs)
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This page will be refactored in the future when the training staff has more time and expertise using wikimedia.

The basic infantry training program is designed to standardize the knowledge-base of the standard Cluster player. To do this we have loosely adapted real-world basic concepts for Arma and created a 4 course program. Out of this 4 course program there are 2 mandatory blocks which every player is required to go through. From the time a new member joins they have 2 months to complete these 2 courses, after which if they have not completed them they are blocked from playing cluster community missions (This also pertains to current cluster members as of the 26th of November 2022). These 2 blocks are rather minor and should not take longer then 4 hours total across 2 training sessions to complete. It is advised to complete them in chronological order as some courses will reference previous courses, but it is not a requirement.


Courses marked with an asterix (*) are mandatory.

1. Introduction *

This course is designed to give every player the minimum required knowledge on how Cluster Community Missions are run.

  • Arma hotkeys, vanilla systems
  • Gameplay mods: ACE, Enhanced Movement, ACRE2
  • CMF and it's functions
  • Team Dynamic
  • ACE Medical

2. Maneuver and communication *

This course is designed to give you and your teammates the knowledge on how to navigate and maneuver through the terrain as well as communicate information correctly in a easy-to-read format.

  • Land navigation
  • Cover and Concealment
  • Security and posture
  • General communication
  • Positive Identification (PID)
  • Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) and Rules of Engagement (RoE)

3. Anatomy of an engagement

This course will teach you what makes up an engagement and how to conduct one.

  • Situational Awareness
  • Suppression
  • Bounding
  • Breaking Contact and why this is an option
  • Anatomy of an ambush and how to execute one
  • Muzzle Awereness
  • Special Equipment
  • Individual Initiative

4. Movement and contact

This last course is the opposite of course 3 and will teach you how to survive a contact.

  • Reiteration of Cover and Concealment
  • Formations
  • Movement Speeds
  • Spacing
  • Peeling
  • Road and Intersection Crossings (LDA, Linear Danger Area)
  • Reaction to Contact
  • Reaction to ambush

For now we have this document containing all the information that will be thought in these courses (as well as some extra information). In the future this will be turned into their own pages on this wiki for ease of use.