cmf kosherArsenal fnc init

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{{CMF Function

|game1=arma3 |version1=0.50

|game2=cmf3 |version2=2.1.0

|game3=ace3 |version3=3.12.0

|descr=This function will initialize kosherArsenal for the local player.



|s1=[loadouts, light, forePrimary, randomPos] call cmf_kosherArsenal_fnc_init

|p1= loadouts: Array - An array containing the filenames for loadouts to load (ommit .sqf from the filename).

|p2= light: Boolean - When true will attach a light that is only visible for the unit in the arsenal.

|p3= forcePrimary: Boolean - When true will force the unit to select a primary weapon before exiting the arsenal.

|p4= randomPos: Boolean - When true will randomize the unit's position (to prevent cluttering when multiple units spawn in, is now deprecated as Arma 3 does this automatically).


|x1= {{code|lang=scilab|[["exampleLoadout"], true, false, true] call cmf_kosherArsenal_fnc_init;}}

|var1= | GLOBAL || Unit || cmf_kosherArsenal_loadout || A variable containing the loadoutfile to use

|event1= | LOCAL || cmf_kosherArsenal_onOpen || [ ] || Is raised locally when the kosherArsenal arsenal is opened

|event2= | LOCAL || cmf_kosherArsenal_onAmmoboxClose|| [ ] || Is raised locally when the kosherArsenal arsenal is closed }}