CEM3: Custom Speed Coefficients

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As of v0.1.4 it is possible for mission / addon makers to modify the speed coefficients.
If the cem_movement_speeds array has more more than or less than 8 sub-arrays, CE: Movement will throw an error.
If a cem_movement_speeds sub-array is missing cem_movement_speed in position 2, CE: Movement will throw an error.
Local for each player

cem_movement_speeds = [[animation, speedCoef, cem_movement_speed], ...]
animation: String - The animation to use, as of v0.1.4 only "WALK" and "JOG" is supported
speedCoef: Number - The animation speed coefficient, 1 is normal speed.
[["WALK", 0.5, cem_movement_speed], ["WALK", 0.7, cem_movement_speed], ["WALK", 1, cem_movement_speed], ["WALK", 1.2, cem_movement_speed], ["WALK", 1.5, cem_movement_speed], 
["WALK", 1.8, cem_movement_speed], ["JOG", 0.9, cem_movement_speed], ["JOG", 1, cem_movement_speed]];
Example 1:
// Sets speeds locally for player
cem_movement_speeds = [["WALK", 0.3, cem_movement_speed], ["WALK", 0.5, cem_movement_speed], ["WALK", 0.8, cem_movement_speed], ["WALK", 1, cem_movement_speed], 
["WALK", 1.3, cem_movement_speed], ["WALK", 2, cem_movement_speed], ["JOG", 0.5, cem_movement_speed], ["JOG", 1.5, cem_movement_speed]];
Example 2:
// Sets speeds for all players
cem_movement_speeds = [["WALK", 0.3, cem_movement_speed], ["WALK", 0.5, cem_movement_speed], ["WALK", 0.8, cem_movement_speed], ["WALK", 1, cem_movement_speed], 
["WALK", 1.3, cem_movement_speed], ["WALK", 2, cem_movement_speed], ["JOG", 0.5, cem_movement_speed], ["JOG", 1.5, cem_movement_speed]];
publicVariable "cem_movement_speeds";
Example 4:
// Sets speeds target player
[[],{cem_movement_speeds = [["WALK", 0.3, cem_movement_speed], ["WALK", 0.5, cem_movement_speed], ["WALK", 0.8, cem_movement_speed], ["WALK", 1, cem_movement_speed], 
["WALK", 1.3, cem_movement_speed], ["WALK", 2, cem_movement_speed], ["JOG", 0.5, cem_movement_speed], ["JOG", 1.5, cem_movement_speed]]}] remoteExec ["call", _target]