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"A warning order (WARNO) informs units that an Operations order (OPORD) may be forthcoming. This is intended to provide subordinates time to develop their own warning and operations orders based on information contained within the WARNORD."  
"A warning order (WARNO) informs units that an Operations order (OPORD) may be forthcoming. This is intended to provide subordinates time to develop their own warning and operations orders based on information contained within the WARNORD."  

Latest revision as of 00:40, 15 July 2023

"A warning order (WARNO) informs units that an Operations order (OPORD) may be forthcoming. This is intended to provide subordinates time to develop their own warning and operations orders based on information contained within the WARNORD."


Within the root directory of your mission there should be a file called WARNO.sqf this is where a mission maker can edit the warning order of the mission.

The warning order uses markdown formatting, this means that styling and editing the warno is as easy as formatting a discord message. These are the currently supported tags:

Tag Function Example
** Creates bold text **This text is bold**
* Creates italic text *This text is italic*
# Creates header 1 # This is a Header 1
## Creates header 2 # This is a Header 2
### Creates header 3 # This is a Header 3
<!-- --> A Comment (not rendered) <!-- This is a comment -->

WARNO.sqf already contains the SMEAC outline with comments, you can however edit as you see fit removing or adding sections.

5 Paragraph Outline (SMEAC)

Warning orders in Cluster Community follows the Five Paragraph Order or SMEAC format. SMEAC stands for Situation, Mission, Execution, Administration & Logistics and Command & Signal.

I. Situation

  • A. Enemy Forces
    1. Enemy's Composition, Disposition, Strength
    2. Enemy's Capabilities & Limitations:(DRAW-DG) Defend, Reinforce, Attack, Withdraw, Delay, Gas
    3. Enemy's Most Likely Course Of Action (EMLCOA)
    4. Enemy's Most Dangerous Course of Action
  • B. Friendly Forces
    1. Higher's Mission & Intent
    2. Adjacent Units
      • North/South/East/West
      • Same Echelon
    3. Supporting
  • C. Attachments/Detachment
  • D. Civil/Terrain considerations

II. Mission
Who, What, Where, When, and Why?

III. Execution

  • A. Commander's Intent
    1. Center of Gravity
    2. Critical Vulnerability
    3. Exploitation Plan
    4. Desired Endstate
  • B. Concept of the Operations
    1. Scheme of Maneuver
    2. Fire Support Plan
  • C. Tasks
  • D. Coordinating Instructions

IV. Administration/Logistics

  • A. Administration – "Bad Guys & Bandages": Enemy Prisoners of War ("EPW") & Casualty evacuation ("Casevac") Plans
  • B. Logistics – "Beans, Bullets, & Batteries": Food, Ammunition, Supply, Communications, Pyrotechnics, etc.

V. Command/Signal

  • A. Signal
    1. Primary
    2. Alternate
    3. Contingency
    4. Emergency
  • B. Command
    1. Location of Key Leaders
    2. Succession of Command


WARNO.sqf Example
## Situation
Recently Al-Quadea operations have increased in scope attacking larging targets more frequently. We have received intel from above of possible locations of enemy caches based on enemy movement and concentration that are located scarily close to major NATO bases. We have also noticed a spike in hostile actions by civilian entities as well as a rise in the use of IEDs by such entites against friendly forces.

## Enemy Forces
### Composition
- Al-Quaeda
- Taliban

### Capabilities / Limitations
- Anti-Tank, Medium (MAT)
- Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs)

### Most Likely Course of Action
- Guerilla warfare

### Most Dangerous Course of Action
- Supported Concentrated attacks

## Friendly Forces
### Adjacent Units
- Bravo Company, 1st Ranger Battalion
- Engineer Company, Regimental Special Troops Battalion

### Supporting
- 1st Battalion, 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment

## Civilian Considerations
- Heavy Civilian Presence
- Possibly hostile, in which case restrain or subdue

## Terrain Considerations
- Urban terrain with vertical considerations

Bravo Company's mission is to conduct a seek and destroy operation for insurgent weapons caches in the Lythium Province. The mission will be conducted at night in the Lythium Province of Afghanistan.

The objective is to locate and neutralize the hidden enemy cache, thereby disrupting the enemy's logistics and reducing their combat effectiveness. The cache is suspected to contain weapons, ammunition, explosives, and communications equipment.

## Commander's Intent
### Center of Gravity
The enemy's biggest source of strength is their support from the civilian population and their ability to blend in.

### Critical Vulnerability
The enemy is likely to scatter upon contact inviting a defeat in detail.

### Desired Endstate
The desired end goal is for all insurgent caches to be destroyed with minimal loss to friendly forces.

## Concept of Operations
- Bravo Company is to provide security for the engineer company as they search and destroy or neutralize the cache.
- PHANTOMs are to provide air transport if required.
- REAPERs are to provide Close-Air-Support if required.

## Scheme of Maneuver
### 1. Infiltration
Bravo Company and the Engineer Company will be airlifted to HLZ Safari by PHANTOM, from there they will move on foot to the target compound.

### 2. Execution
Bravo Company will secure the target compound while the engineers search for and destroy the insurgent cache.

### 3. Exfiltration
Bravo Company and the Engineer Company will move back to HLZ Safari where they will be picked up by PHANTOM.

## Administration
### Enemy Prisoners of War (EPW) Plan
Prisoners are to be collected and exfiltrated for later questioning.

### Casualty Evacuation (CASEVAC) Plan
PHANTOM will provide CASEVAC on request.

### Support
- PHANTOM will provide light Aerial reconnoicanse by a MH-60M Blackhawk.
- REAPER will provide Close Air Support by a AH-6M Littlebird

## Logistics
### Supply
3 Fireteam Crates, 2 Medical Crates and 1 Explosive Crate

### Assets
- Armed MATV (CROWS M2)

## Command
### Rules of Engagement
You are free to engage targets at will after hostile intent is proven.

### Standard Operating Procedures
- Upon meeting civilians with hostile intent, kill or capture the civilian.
- Close Air Support operates on simplified protocols.
- Transport operates on simplified protocols.
- When coming across an IED outside of a target location either mark it, remove it or ignore it.
- When coming across an IED inside of a target location remove it.

### Succession of Command
1st PLT HQ > ASL > BSL > CSL

## Signal
### Table of Communications
AIR NET - AN/PRC-148 - Chn 5

### Callsign Table 
**Command Net**
- COMMAND - Operational High Command
- PHANTOM - Transport Helicopters
- REAPER - Close Air Support
- ENGI - Engineers
- ALPHA - Alpha Squad


/* WARNO Version (DO NOT CHANGE) */